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Upgrade Ubuntu 18.04/18.10 to Ubuntu 19.04 Using Command Line


You can use command line to upgrade Ubuntu desktop or a headless server. If you use SSH to log into your Ubuntu server, it’s a good idea to keep your OpenSSH session alive by adding the following line in /etc/ssh/sshd_configfile on your server.

ClientAliveInterval 60

Save and close the file. Then restart SSH daemon.

sudo systemctl restart ssh

To upgrade to Ubuntu 19.04, run the following command to upgrade existing software. (Please note that if a new kernel is installed while running the following command, you need to reboot system in order to continue the upgrade process.)

sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade

Then make sure you have update-manager-core package installed.

sudo apt install update-manager-core

Next, edit a configuration file using nano or your preferred command line text editor.

sudo nano /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades

At the bottom of this file, change the value of Prompt from lts to normal.


upgrade to ubuntu 19.04 from command line

To save a file in Nano text editor, press Ctrl+O, then press Enter to confirm. To exit, press Ctrl+X. After that, run the following command to begin the upgrade process.


If you are running Ubuntu 18.10, then follow the on-screen instruction to upgrade to Ubuntu 19.04. If you are running Ubuntu 18.04, then follow the on-screen instruction to upgrade to Ubuntu 18.10 first and then follow the same steps to upgrade to Ubuntu 19.04

Once the upgrade is finished, reboot your Ubuntu desktop or server. To check your Ubuntu version, run:

lsb_release -a


No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:	Ubuntu
Description:	Ubuntu 19.04
Release:	19.04
Codename:	disco

Should You Use the -d Option?

The update-manager and do-release-upgrade command come with a -d option, which will cause the system to upgrade to a development release.

Currently, Ubuntu 19.04 is still considered a development release in Ubuntu release cadence, because development of Ubuntu 19.10 isn’t started yet. It will happen one week after the release of Ubuntu 19.04 and we can use the -d option before that happens. When Ubuntu 19.10 enters development, you should not use the -d option.

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