KeltonTemby replied on

ZigZag, I appreciate that you’re MVP’s and content curators, so thank you for sharing your time with the community.  Now since most of us arrive here via Google, and this title was better than the search field results, my 2c is that making posts saying ‘use the search’ is *worse* for content than saying nothing at all – at least provide the link, even better share your expertise even by copy/pasting.   There are 9 results that show up searching “8033”… now I spent 2 hours reading through them and other searches until I get an answer… ugh

This link suspects interference or a bad windows update – no conclusive explanation
This one says to disable SIPS and make power management not allowed to disable the device.  But no mention of error ID 8033
Most Useful:
Google, not this forum, gave me the most useful response to 8033 – systems are fighting over who is the master browser role in the workgroup… whatever that means
“Try this key


Edit the MaintainServerList to No”

same on this one
This one says just stop the Browser service altogether
Finally this one is saying it could be a WPA-PSK issue
Best,  Kelton
23 people found this helpful

The “fun” way of doing this is with DOS commands. Here’s how you’d do it:

  1. Open up a command prompt
  2. Type net view and hit enter
  3. Look at the list of computer names. These are the computers on your LAN. Note that the format is \\COMPUTER-NAME like I talked about above.
  4. For each name in the list, type the following command: nbtstat -a COMPUTER-NAME

One of the results from the nbtstat commands will show a row with “_MSBROWSE_” in it. That means that this computer is the Master Browser.

Wasn’t that fun?

No, it wasn’t.

Views: 44