On April 20, 2009, Oracle announced it has entered into an agreement to acquire Sun Microsystems (Sun). The proposed transaction is subject to Sun stockholder approval, certain regulatory approvals and customary closing conditions. Until the deal closes, each company will continue to operate independently, and it is business as usual..
大概就是說~ 2009年4月20日,甲骨文宣布入主昇陽。
Redwood Shores, CA – April 20, 2009
Oracle Corporation (NASDAQ: ORCL) and Sun Microsystems (NASDAQ: JAVA) announced today they have entered into a definitive agreement under which Oracle will acquire Sun common stock for $9.50 per share in cash.
北京,2007年- 09年4月20日
If Oracle buys MySQL as part of Sun, database customers will pay the bill.
In April 2009, Oracle announced that it had agreed to acquire Sun. Since Sun had acquired MySQL the previous year, this would mean that Oracle, the market leader for closed source databases, would get to own MySQL, the most popular open source database.
If Oracle acquired MySQL on that basis, it would have as much control over MySQL as money can possibly buy over an open source project. In fact, for most open source projects (such as Linux or Apache) there isn’t any comparable way for a competitor to buy even one tenth as much influence. But MySQL’s success has always depended on the company behind it that develops, sells and promotes it. That company (initially MySQL AB, then Sun) has always owned the important intellectual property rights (IPRs), most notably the trademark, copyright and (so far only for defensive purposes) patents. It has used the IPRs to produce income and has reinvested a large part of those revenues in development, getting not only bigger but also better with time.
If those IPRs fall into the hands of MySQL’s primary competitor, then MySQL immediately ceases to be an alternative to Oracle’s own high-priced products. So far, customers had the choice to use MySQL in new projects instead of Oracle’s products. Some large companies even migrated (switched) from Oracle to MySQL for existing software solutions. And every one could credibly threaten Oracle’s salespeople with using MySQL unless a major discount was granted. If Oracle owns MySQL, it will only laugh when customers try this. Getting rid of this problem is easily worth one billion dollars a year to Oracle, if not more.
今天在連署的表格裡要填寫的項目,其中在CITY的選單中。。 噹噹噹噹 ~~~~~ 主角出現了
沒錯就是他 Taiwan,Province of China …
至於這個東西,幾年前就有人講過了,而最近還有一個比較有名的就是 星巴克事件,網路上找了篇文章
星巴克矮化台 網友喊拒喝
【何哲欣╱台北報導】美國星巴克網站上的全球門市介紹,竟在台灣門市地址加上「Taiwan,Province of China」(台灣,中國的一省),網友痛批星巴克拍中國馬屁。
大家應該注意到了,國外網站常常會不小心出現Taiwan, Province of China。
這是因為許多網站的系統或軟體是直接套用ISO制定的國家列表,在表中,台灣的國碼(country code)是TW兩個字母,而國碼的說明文字則是沿用聯合國的規定。聯合國的ITU-T科技分組(Telecommunication Standardization Sector,國際電信聯盟標準化部門)將TW解釋為「Taiwan, Province of China」,故網站系統或軟體直接將ISO的建議值套用後,只要選項是TW,就會出現「Taiwan, Province of China」的字樣。大部份的軟體公司在開發軟體時,都會照著ISO的標準來做。台灣網友發現有誤植的狀況後,雖然去信更正(案例:正名成功,NASA改稱台灣為台灣),但這樣的做法只是治標而非治本。如果要根絕網站或是軟體誤植「台灣是中國一省」的錯誤,就要從正名聯合國這個錯誤的根源做起。
不過我完全不知道要分類成什麼!? 當新聞好了XDDD.
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