亞馬遜(Amazon) Kindle電子書閱讀器的版權管理機制(DRM)在耶誕前夕傳出遭到駭客破解,把Kindle獨有的.AZW格式轉成PDF或其他可攜式檔案格式,可在非亞馬遜平台裝置上分享閱讀。
據報導,自稱「Labba」的以色列駭客在以國駭客論壇PO文宣稱,自己撰寫的程式已破解Kindle的.AZW檔案格式,可轉為pdf檔運用於任何電腦裝置。而暱稱為I LOVE CABBAGES的美國駭客隨後也發表一種可破解「Kindle for PC」版.AZW格式的Unswindle工具。
目前可閱讀Amazon電子書的授權裝置平台除了Kindle系列之外,還有蘋果「iPhone」、「iPod」兩種版本以及供個人電腦用戶的「Kindle for PC」程式。I LOVE CABBAGES說,Kindle及Kindle for iPhone版都採用單一的裝置加密邏輯;「Kindle for PC」則是較為複雜,還另加一層每本電子書特有的鎖碼,要透過Unswindle破解此複雜加密機制,必須搭配另一稱為mobidedrm的駭客工具。
I LOVE CABBAGES也說,他完成破解後已經覺得無趣,不想再找亞馬遜的麻煩;安裝Unswindle程式的人,可以挑選任何想解碼的電子書,解碼後以自己喜歡的檔案格式來閱讀。
Nothing makes you feel like you truly own your media and content like being able to do almost whatever you want with it. We’re already used to DRM for our MP3s and the limitations it puts on device selection and sharing, but the idea that the same kind of protection would be put on our books was a head-scratcher. For books on the Kindle, it works just that way. You can’t go putting your content on any device you want, whenever you want to — until now. An Israeli hacker has managed to break the DRM for books on the Kindle so that that content can be downloaded onto any other device.
The hacker, known only as Labba, posed a challenge on a hacker forum and was quickly aided by other programmers to discover the hack for the Kindle. They were essentially able to break the DRM protection and find a way to get the eBooks converted to an open format and into PDF files. This allows the files to be read on several eReaders, not just the Kindle. Now we have to wait and see what Amazon will do to patch things up, but Labba says whenever Amazon does release a software solution, he will be able to hack it again — just like the iPhone getting jailbroken with every software update. Or, you know, you can just buy paper books.
Thanks, Friend of BGR!
UPDATE: Looks like this was just 「hacked」 again as an original DRM workaround has been available since a year or so back.
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