透過MDT2010 自動化部署 WINDOWS XP系統。
Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) 2010 u1 下載
不過目前已透過 VM 的方式 成功進行部署 的動作..
安裝MDT 2010前所需的必要套件
Windows Server 2003 SP1 以上
Windows Automated Installation Kit 6.1.7600.0 在這裡可以下載 或是其實安裝好 MDT2010時 在 Information center裡就有相關要安裝的東西可以直接下載
KB907265:適用於 Windows Server 2003 的 Microsoft Management Console 3.0
Windows 管理架構 (Windows PowerShell 2.0、 WinRM 2.0 和 BITS 4.0)
PowerShell 1.0以上 不過 看起來 PowerShell 2.0需要windows server sp2,所以懶的升級的我就使用 ps1.0來安裝了
而在win2003上 至少要先建好基本的 AD 功能,這個在安裝的時候會需要到。
接下來是要建立XP 的WIM (IMAGE) , 只是嚴格上來說是Source,而不是WIM
最後就可以利用WDS的功能開啟PXE BOOT的方式
The task sequence has been suspended.
LiteTouch has encountered and Environment Error (Boot into WinPE!)
Look familiar? I’m surprised of the few search results on such an error. The problem occurs because MDT will often not clean up MININT and _SMSTaskSequence on C drive. Don’t believe me? Hit F8 after loading your windows 7 PE disk to bring up a command prompt and navigate to C. If that turns out to NOT be the case you should adjust the BIOS order to have harddrive loaded first. If it persists, another solution is to run diskpart and clean the drive from the console.
A solution to prevent this, rather than a workaround? Modify your task sequence to include a couple commands to clear those directories. Right click your task sequence, go to properties then the Task Sequence Tab. Click add and create two ‘Run Command Line’ tasks. Place them in an appropriate area.
Have one with:
If Exist C:\_SMSTaskSequence\nul rd C:\_SMSTaskSequence /s /q
The other with:
If Exist C:\MININT\nul rd C:\MININT /s /q
‘\nul’ is not required however it wont hurt. If you end up using these in a batch file though, then you will want those. When batch files check for the existence or not of a directory, using ‘if exist’ or ‘if not exist’, if the directory is being checked for on a Windows system then the batch file needs to use ‘\NUL’
WDS設定部份 包含 DHCP設定 、和掛載 WIM開機映像為主要項目
新增開機映像檔的方式則在 開機映像的選項上點選右鍵>新增 > 並尋找到位置即可
最後一個比較慘的情況是若使用 AMD XXXX系列網卡,連Lite Touch Windows PE (x86) 都沒驅動程的話..
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